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👱🏻‍♀️ Nurul Aida
👀 27
👜 Accountant

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Template By: Intan Aqilah
Basecodes By: Yaya
Re-Edit By: Aida Purplish

i'm weak.

Monday, 11 January 2010 | 15:27:00 | 0 comment(s)

i'm weak!
i'm sad!
i feel alone.
i feel like wanna cry now.

i dont noe wat to do. i keep reminding myself, 'stop thinking benda benda merepek ni. we still together as a friend. dont cry, just chill.'

but it's hard. i thought it's easy as it is. maybe i make it too complicated.

u noe, i thought about stupid stupid thing after balik tadi. i feel like 'biar la kete langgar aku. aku rsa sorg2. biar la aku kena langgar.'

OMG! what a stupid thought! why aku macam ni? give up dah? bru seminggu lebih la. aku cuba jadi tabah, kuat. aku ingat msuk mggu ni aku akan lebih kuat. tapi, tengok la. fikiran aku da merewang sampai benda merepek.

aku penat. penat sangat. i want to have a rest. tenangkan fikiran yang kusut ni. =''(

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