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👱🏻‍♀️ Nurul Aida
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Template By: Intan Aqilah
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Re-Edit By: Aida Purplish

skin problem

Thursday, 21 January 2010 | 21:24:00 | 4 comment(s)

kelmarin aku pusing2 la kat dataran cendekia, tengok2 pe yg de kat situ. well, selipar wedges comel giler kot. tp roxy la. sekitar rm16. nak beli je, but tak jadi sebab selipar tu kalau pakai sakit kat celah kaki. nevermind.

then, tibe2 aku ditegur oleh agen produk eumora ni try produk uh. aku takut2 la. kulit aku ni kan mmg sensitif. aku tak berani la. but after dia wat free treatment utk aku, mcm de perubahan. my chin naik sikit. org uh force me to buy. okae, siyesly, terpujuk dengan pe yg org uh ckp. but mahal la RM95 utk 1 sabun yg kecik uh.

lepas fikir fikir, yesterday, i went again and bought the product. terbang lagi duit aku. well, tak guna lagi sabun uh. but i'll use it by tomorrow/ lusa. hopefully, miracles happen. my face become normal again like others. i want to have normal skin. please.

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