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👱🏻‍♀️ Nurul Aida
👀 27
👜 Accountant

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Template By: Intan Aqilah
Basecodes By: Yaya
Re-Edit By: Aida Purplish

losing bestfriend.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010 | 17:21:00 | 0 comment(s)

it's hard for me.
i think i just lost my bestfriend.

a friend who cheer me up everyday.
laugh, talk, walk, joke,eat together.

because of what i did, this is what i got.
we are apart.
i do feel alone.
u don't look and talk to me.
i feel like stranger.

w, do forgive me.
i noe, it was my bigger mistake.
and i'm not suppose to do that.
i noe i'm wrong.
don't look at me like i'm a stranger to u.
i miss our old times together.
i want to talk to u.
really really do.
but it's hard when i feel that u want to be apart from me.
because of that, i just turn my back. and ignore u.
terpaksa, even i don't want to.

w, u said that u did forget about what happen.
maybe u just terpaksa.
coz it seems like u can't forget for what i did.

u text me yesterday. mengadu about ur problem.
i thought that we still can be together.
i thought that, our friendship is okay.
but when i entered the class today, it's still the same.
u ignored me. and talk to her only.
u don't want to look at me. and talk to me.
i feel weird.

please don't let me like i'm a stranger to u.
can we be bestfriend again?
can we become like previously?
i want the same u.
i want the same relationship with u.

it's hard for me. i'm sorry.

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