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say(s) hello

Ka-ching Ka-ching!

Hello There!

👱🏻‍♀️ Nurul Aida
👀 27
👜 Accountant

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👩🏻‍💻twitter : aida_purplish
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Shout To Me

letak link anda yang betul.
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Big Thanks

Template By: Intan Aqilah
Basecodes By: Yaya
Re-Edit By: Aida Purplish

pulang esok.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010 | 09:41:00 | 0 comment(s)

mid sem break aku sampai ahad ni. but i have to go back to shah alam tomorrow.
de program la. waa!
aktiviti luar komander sispa.
kat pulau pangkor.

yes! i'm soo excited.
but at the same time bila fikir my cuti jap je.
tak puas.

but tak pe la.
accept je.
hopefully kat sana, i'm fine.
i can achieve more confidence and berani. huu.

pangkor, here we come. ;)

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