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say(s) hello

Ka-ching Ka-ching!

Hello There!

👱🏻‍♀️ Nurul Aida
👀 27
👜 Accountant

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Template By: Intan Aqilah
Basecodes By: Yaya
Re-Edit By: Aida Purplish

selesai satu masalah.

Thursday, 4 February 2010 | 17:15:00 | 0 comment(s)

registeration co, done!

da g pusat co smlm and ckp about my prob.
my registeration co for HBU 122 xde dlm sistem.
so, diorang da tlg solve my prob. and settle.
da wat validasi. and i can smile now. :)

not like yesterday. worried sangat smpi nangis dlm kelas and demam.
and now, i'm recovered from fever. ;)

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