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say(s) hello

Ka-ching Ka-ching!

Hello There!

👱🏻‍♀️ Nurul Aida
👀 27
👜 Accountant

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Shout To Me

letak link anda yang betul.
No Harsh words allowed here.

Thank You

Big Thanks

Template By: Intan Aqilah
Basecodes By: Yaya
Re-Edit By: Aida Purplish

title 'Dato'

Tuesday, 9 February 2010 | 17:54:00 | 0 comment(s)

mum text me last nite.
ayah akan dpt title dato. alhamdulillah.

congrates ayah!!
i'm so proud of u! =)

lepas ni, he's gonna be call as Dato' Mohd Noor.
and of course, when ayah dpt title dato'. my mum automatically become datin.

Ya Allah, syukur kerana berikan kami sekeluarga rezeki yang melimpah.

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