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award dari nash kechik ;p

Wednesday, 2 June 2010 | 01:43:00 | 4 comment(s)

wah! award lagi. suke. melompat gembira. lalala~ err, tapi yg ke berape eh? hehe.

1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
si pemberi award ni namanya nas. my classmate. orangnye kecik je. (oops! nas, jgn marah). hee. dia baru je berblogging ni, but follower dia almost 3x ganda dari aku. aii, potong sifu nmpk? haha. gurau je. btw, thxx eh. seronok dapat beautiful blogger award. err, cantek ke? hehe. entah. korang je la judge. huhu.

2. Pass this award onto 5 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic!

3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award.
ai2 capten..
ouhhh..who's lived in the pineapple under the sea...
spongebob squerapants ;p.
okae, mereka da diberitahu. :)

4. State 5 things about yourself.
1. sangat suka membaca novel cinta
2. friendly dgn orang yang aku rasa boleh get along with.
3. addicted dgn lagu + drama korea
4. bila marah, dahsyat. haha.
5. suka berangan.

5. Speech by the winner:
terima kasih kepada semua peminat2 (ahaks! ada ke peminat ni?) yg sentiasa menyokong aida purplish selama ni. haha. thxx to my beloved readers, bloggers yg sudi menjenguk jenguk pintu blog ni. lain kali jenguk lagi. hehe. ^_^

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