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enter the contest and i win hp mini notebok! is that cool!?
Tuesday, 28 September 2010 | 17:44:00 | 10 comment(s)
hye bloggers! today i skip one class at evening. kelas Bel. at morning, pergi kelas, tapi rupanya kelas Far cancel. hampeh betul. patutla kelas kosong. geram jugak dengan classmates sebab tak inform. so, saya langsung tak pergi kelas hari ni. okay, saya tak nak rosakkan mood saya yang sedia baik ni. ingat lagi entry isnin lepas, i told you guys yang saya ada cerita menarik punya. nah, now, i want to share with you guys cerita baik ni. hehe.
for the 1st time in my life, i win a contest! sebelum ni, saya try join blog punya je. tapi ni, saya try contest mtv music. saja je nak try. 1st week, i'm not the winner. nvm, try minggu kedua. jawab ikut clue yang diberikan and jawab slogan. and you know what, how lucky i am to be the grand prize winner for week 2!! rasa macam wah! tak percaya. okay, waktu tu saya kat sabah. so, saya tak online. tuptup, dapat call dari pihak mtv la kot, told me yang i am the grand prize winner for week 2. ohoh, sungguh tak percaya. i give him all my personal details and he told me yang later akan diberitahu when to redeem the prize. and you know apa yang saya menang? hp mini lappy kot! mahal tu. beribu, macam tak percaya. so, i keep checking my email, kot kot ada update terbaru pasal redeem prize ni. last friday, i check again my email, and yeah, there is a letter for me to tell me to redeem the prize from yesterday until tomorrow. oh, no wonder la, i got misscall from 037++, it's from pihak juita viden group, company yang uruskan contest ni. i make decision untuk redeem hari ni la. sebab hari lain tak ada masa, got class. today pon ada, but saya sengaja ponteng kelas Bel. sorry madam. ask waheeda and tqa to accompany me. glad yang diorang temankan sekali. sebabnya i don't know where the office is. cari kat google map, oh, risau tak tahu nak turun mana. so, kitorang naik bas u80, turun dekat asia jaya. then naik teksi sampai lah ke office juita viden group. appointment at 2, but pukul 245 baru ms jan wong masuk office. waktu tu pon ada winner for week 1. dah complete the form, sign and that lappy is mine officially starting today ;). oh hari tu week before bukak cuti, playlist saya keluar kat tv. terpampang tau muka saya kat channel mtv tu. walaupun kecik, but ada jugak. siap ada nama lagi. waktu tu bukan main excited lagi. terasa nak heboh satu dunia. hehe. blabla; i feel sangat happy sebab menang lappy. and you know, saya sorang je girl yang menang, yang lain semua laki. and i'm the only one malay. diorang semua cina. x) |