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i can't stop smiling =)
Saturday, 30 October 2010 | 19:41:00 | 12 comment(s)
last night, i got a beautiful dream. really. sampaikan when i woke up, i can smile lebar bila ingat pasal mimpi tu. 2 times okay. awake at 5 sebab ada guruh. then sambung tidur balik, mimpi tu bersambung. huhu. finally, after 2 years being single, i manage to get new boyfriend. haha. macam kelakar pun ada. he treated me very well. oh, rasa bahagianya saya dalam mimpi itu. :D and dalam mimpi tu, our relationship dapat bless daripada his family. seronok betullah. macam macam mak dia bagi saya. they treated me nicely. saya dah dianggap macam family diorang. oh, rasa sangat bahagia. and the most important thing, we also got blessing from my family. hehe. teruja tau. but, it's just a dream. a sweet dream. saya hanya boleh berangan, tapi impian tu saya tak dapat nak capai until i found my truly soulmate. :)
psst; bila agaknya saya akan menemui cinta sejati saya? haha~ i can't stop smiling =)) |