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almost the end of our journey
Tuesday, 17 July 2012 | 01:05:00 | 0 comment(s)
salam bloggers!
rasa malas nak taip entry ni sebenarnya. sebab entry yang asal da terdelete. oh, rasa sakit hati kat situ. da siap da, tinggal nak post je. disebabkan tu, kena taip entry baru. tak pe la, tak boleh nak wat apa la kan. huhu.
blog ni pun makin bosan je tengok. update da tak selalu. last month pun , langsung tak ada entry. tahun ni entry paling sikit pernah update. huhu. da cuti ni, i'll try to make this blog interesting okay (walaupun blog ni tak la interesting pun kan)? kihkihkih.
it's been a few days already since the end of semester 6. means the end of my 3rd year in uitm. sekejap je kan masa berlalu. pejam celik, da habis tahun ketiga. tinggal satu tahun je lagi. and now masa utk cuti cuti cuti. hehe. but for 2 weeks je. sekejap je kan. sebab 2 minggu lagi i'll do my practical training at Aftaas. gulp. i'm worried and seriously scared. i don't know how the real job will be. it's my 1st experience and i hope it will be just fine. luckily, i have my bff doing intern there too. so, tak de la rasa sorang sorang kan. huhu.
end of semester 6 means end of three semesters learning 3rd language too. i took korean as my 3rd language. learning korean is hard but fun. you know, i've been into kpop things since 2008. and since that, i want to learn korean and hope that i can able to talk korean too. now, i can talk but not fluent. i'm just a beginner. but hopefully, someday i can talk well. huhu.
with my korean classmates :)
with my group for video assignments
with my korean lecturer, madam Tiara.
okay la. that's all from story begins here. i'll try to update more entry later. btw, thank you for those yang sudi lagi singgah blogwalking and reading blog ni. i appreciate that so much. :)
aida purplish